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Charlie Sheen “if he was impaired, he was very good at hiding it”

During the tumultuous period surrounding Charlie Sheen’s struggles, it was a challenging time for me personally. While we were more like work friends, his friendship meant a lot to me. We had a fantastic comedic rapport during our time together on the show. However, as cracks began to show in his facade and his battles with addiction became apparent, it was concerning. Despite being sober for the first six years of the show, his issues became noticeable in the last season. His timing seemed off, and he appeared somewhat brittle, which raised concerns among those who knew him closely.

Despite these challenges, Charlie continued to excel in his work, even on his current show “Anger Management.” He remained a precise performer, but there was a subtle difference in his demeanor. While it was hard to pinpoint exactly what had changed, it was evident that something was off. Nonetheless, he continued to deliver, showcasing his talent despite the difficulties he was facing.

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